So, you’re in your forties and you’re busy living life to its fullest - kids, job, family, and a pet dog. After 40-plus years of navigating life, you’ve picked up a thing or two. You’re street smart, you know who you are, and let’s be honest—you’ve built up a reputation! You may not be a flawless gem, but let’s face it, you’ve mostly got your act together. And, let’s not forget that signature look of yours!
Then suddenly, you start holding your phone at arm's length just to read a text. You think “That’s odd, I never noticed that before.” You chalk it up to being tired. But, a week later, when you’re squinting at the menu in a dimly lit restaurant, you start to suspect something's up. How do they expect anyone to see when the lighting is so bad. Then you catch a glance of the nearby table when the guy borrows his wife’s glasses to read the menu. What is his problem? Wait, does that frame have flowers on it? How embarrassing!
Then comes the real kicker: someone hands you an Excel report that was apparently printed in “tiny ant-size” font. Surely this is some joke, right? Who could read this without a magnifying glass?
As the months go by, you realize you’ve become a master of “further away is clearer” technique. No problem here, I am just stretching my arms out a bit. But what about your phone text size? You are now using the "grandma" setting—two words per line. Other people can read your text messages from across the room!
Now this. You can’t even see your food on the plate. Is it a steak or dressed up tofu? Who knows! You start to panic: could this be the beginning of the end? How did this happen so fast? The moment you accept that the solution to all your recent problems is reading glasses is like discovering you've been trying to read a map upside down. Suddenly everything makes sense, but you feel a little foolish for not noticing sooner.
But wait! Don’t assume that getting glasses is a simple solution. Oh no, this is big. It may transform your life. It’s not just about improving your eyesight; it’s about venturing into uncharted territory. You will have to wear something right in the middle of your face. Welcome to the club, my friend!
Calm minds will prevail. Let’s think this through….
1. Do I really need glasses? Perhaps I’m just too tired or have a lingering cold. Could it be allergies? Plus, if my boss gave me a decent computer monitor this would not even be a problem. That cheapskate will do anything to save a buck!
2. I’ve seen “old” people pick through the rack of readers at Walgreens. Is it really my turn to do the same? Maybe this will magically fix itself!
3. The eating thing can’t be that bad, right? Who even needs to see their food? I’m more interested in the taste experience.
4. Spoiler alert: you’re not thrilled about wearing glasses. You seriously consider just winging it for another six months.
4. Glasses are one more thing to forget on a daily basis. A new saying on the way out the door is needed “keys, water bottle, phone, purse, GLASSES”
5. Where do you even start? What style suits you? What power do you need? Is there a glasses handbook???
6. Panic sets in as you realize glasses will change your entire look! What if I forget to take them off before my next selfie? Oh. My. God. You’ve spent 40 years loving your face—don’t mess with perfection!
7. Then the existential crisis hits: Will your partner still find you attractive? Will your friends roast you? Will your kids think you’re officially old? Too many questions!
8. And the final blow—you start feeling like your parents or grandparents the first time you are hunting for glasses that are right on top of your head. Congratulations, you’ve hit rock bottom!
Finding comfy glasses is crucial—you don’t want to spend your days with a sore nose or ears, or constantly pushing them back up your face like a bad magic trick. And the on-again/off-again glasses routine? Save me! Plus, there's the constant risk of sitting on them, losing them, or dropping them. No one should ever say, "It’s just a pair of glasses." There are so many places to have them at the ready. Did I put a pair in each vehicle, by the computer, the recliner, the bed, and the kitchen?
When enough is enough, and you’re sick of the reading glasses shuffle, reach out to us! At Rib Mountain Eye Care, we get it! Every day, we help transform the glasses experience from a negative to a positive, from frustrating to fabulous. Life keeps throwing things your way. Wouldn't it be nice to at least take care of this problem?